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Insurance solutions

Non-life insurance

Non-life insurance software

All our efforts are directed toward understanding our customer’s goals and problems. We analyze the accumulated knowledge, combine the best examples with our long-term expertise, and develop or adapt market-proven insurance business management solutions.

Non-life insurance solutions:

DIS description

DIS is a highly flexible and configurable insurance management system that covers all core functions of non-life insurance business starting from design of insurance product, its front-end forms and printouts up to sophisticated back-office functions.

Main DIS subsystems integrate key insurance business modules such as customer data management, creation of insurance proposal, issue of policy and further insurance contract administration, premium payment registration, debtors’ control, intermediaries’ commission, claim management, reinsurance data management, reporting, actuarial calculations, as well as system administration module. DIS is a proven and powerful business management tool, easily adaptable to the needs of each individual insurance company.

Due to its Oracle database and Web-based front-end solution, DIS is perfectly suited for the insurance companies with a wide sales network as well as large flows of information.

 DIS brochure (English)

 DIS brochure (Russian)


Information system for non-life insurance business

DIS is a set of the functional subsystems (modules) that are related with each other and cover all the major areas of the insurance company’s business operations:

  • Design of products: data tables, user defined attributes, tariffs, formulas, business rules, user functions, policy and claim screen forms, printouts.
  • Customer data management.
  • Administration of sales channels: agents, intermediaries, commission.
  • Insurance contract management: proposal, registration of contract, termination, suspension, renewal, etc.
  • Premium payment/debts control.
  • Claims handling: registration of claim, reserves, indemnities, settlement expenses, recourse.
  • Statistics.
  • System administration module: settings, user and user rights management, classifiers, user actions ledger, management of jobs.
  • Integration (interfaces) with external systems (financial system, third party self-service solution, claim handling system).
  • Automatic tasks (jobs).

A huge part of the system’s functionality can be solely in the hands of the insurer.


  • Ergo Lithuania
  • Ergo Latvia
  • Balcia Insurance SE (Latvia)
  • BALTA AAS (Latvia)

Internet solutions description

  • Online sales module “DIS Sales”
  • Customer self-service websites
  • Other individual solutions

All solutions are customized according to the needs of specific insurance company.


Online sales module “DIS Sales”

Online sales module “DIS Sales” is suited for the insurance company employees, dependent and independent insurance intermediaries.

The main functions of “DIS Sales” module:

  • creation of insurance proposal (including premium calculation);
  • issuing and management of insurance contracts;
  • printing the contract document;
  • automatic numbering of policy forms;
  • tracking insurance premium payment;
  • entering and searching for information about the clients;
  • searching in the list of contracts (proposals and registered policies) using various filters;
  • user authentication.

Internet solutions for non-life insurance companies“DIS Sales“ module helps to create any kind of insurance contract. Insurance products and contract printout forms can be created responding to the needs of insurance company.

In case of Motor Third Party Liability Insurance information is being sent and received to the central database of the Motor Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania in a real time mode.

Recommended WEB browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer.

“DIS Sales“ module guarantees a safe transfer of information.

We will customize the design of the module according to the visual elements of your company (colours, logos, etc.).

This solution is perfectly suited for the new insurance companies. “DIS Sales” allows the insurance company to start selling insurance policies within a very short time.

Customer self-service websites

Websites are convenient and easy way to provide more services to customers thus saving time of insurance companies and its clients.

We can create the individual solution satisfying your needs.

Customer self-service solutions include the following functions:

  • creating various types of insurance contracts online and payment via internet banking;
  • filling the reporting form of the insured occurrences and forwarding it by e-mail to the insurance company;
  • special features for the registered users: review of the contracts’ list, download contract documents, premium review, payment of regular premium, review of claims’ list.

All functions can be implemented independently from each other.

Insurance products, document printout forms, reporting forms of the insured occurrences are being created by the individual customer orders.

Design is adapted to the visual elements of the insurance company.

Other online solutions for insurance business

Upon the client’s request other individual solutions can be created.

Information system "Insurance“ description

IS "Insurance" is an insurance business management system which meets the needs of insurance companies in a field of insurance accounting, loss administration, data collection on contracts with the insured, agents or reinsurers and efficient data processing. It is flexible, high-speed back-office system, which provides possibilities to perform all insurance business operations, generate comprehensive statistical and analytical reports. The SAP SQL Anywhere DB based system is constantly developed and supplemented by new functions and modules according to market trends and requirements of clients.

Information system "Insurance" is fully integrated with the Saikas W accounting and business management system. This establishes a continuous two-way connection (in a direct online mode or stream mode) between the company's insurance and accounting systems. It helps retaining integrity of data and reduces man-hours. The system also supports transactions (data import and export) with other accounting and business management systems.

Insurance management system can be also integrated with IS "Insurance" internet solutions: web-based system "Insurance", Insurance self-service system (e-sales) and Client self-service portal.

The usage and administration of the system is highly flexible. There are more than 200 different reports in Lithuanian, English Latvian, Spanish and Polish languages. Insurance records can be stored and accounted in different currencies.

Functionality and features

Information system Insurance - insurance accounting, loss administration, policy data management

Information system Insurance - high reporting speed
  • Conclusion of insurance contract/policy (automatic premium calculation according to the entered data, insurance proposal, policy print-out, recording to database);
  • Motor third party liability (MTPL) insurance system (interfaces with Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish insurers' bureau information systems);
  • MTPL insurance contracts and policies: standard, group contract, frontier contract, Green Card;
  • All other types of insurance policies;
  • Client data entry;
  • Long-term, short-term insurance policies;
  • Policies for legal and natural persons;
  • Multiple insurance policies (several types of insurance per policy);
  • Functions of insurance policy cancellation, replacement, renewal and annulment;
  • Automatic policy renewal function;
  • Automatic vehicle value determination;
  • Automatic real estate value determination;
  • Verification of insurance document form number according to the form accounting principles;
  • Electronic document and process administration system;
  • Issuing and printing invoices;
  • Entry of payments;
  • Accounting of intermediary commission;
  • Management of restriction of system user's actions;
  • Module of limitation of insurance amounts, discount application, indemnities according to separate groups of users and insured;
  • Various insurance reports, data export to EXCEL, PDF, HTML, other formats;
  • Search of data stored in database (insurance policies, policyholders) according to parameters freely chosen by client;
  • Restrictions on data review according to user subordination, hierarchy (employees of different departments or companies (intermediaries) can see only data of their department or company);
  • Fast and convenient policy and payment data export procedure for import to insurance broker accounting systems;
  • Registration of claim;
  • Email sending;
  • Attachment of external documents to policy;
  • Storage and preview of PDF copies of documents;
  • Module of administration of communication with clients (communication registration, administration, tasks for system users, automatic reminders);
  • Calculation of client loyalty, insured object loss ratio according to Customer's formulas, various parameters, with a possibility to set comparative weight to each parameter;
  • Registration of unwelcome (risky) persons and insurance objects, application of various restrictions to them.


  • Compensa Vienna Insurance Group
  • If P&C Insurance AS

Web-based system "Insurance"

WEB system "Insurance" gives flexibility and convenience to the client service process: insurance company employee, authorized representative or intermediary can insure a client at any place and any time. The system ensures data and program protection by providing individual passwords and different rights for information entry, review and correction to users. Encrypted algorithms, ensuring protection of forwarded information, are used for data exchange.

System functionality

  • Conclusion of insurance contract (policy) conclusion (automatic premium calculation according to the entered data, insurance proposal, policy print-out, recording to database);
  • Motor third party liability (MTPL) insurance system (interfaces with Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish insurers' bureau information systems);
  • MTPL insurance contracts and policies: standard, group contract, frontier contract, Green Card;
  • All other types of insurance policies;
  • Client data entry;
  • Long-term, short-term insurance policies;
  • Policies for legal and natural persons;
  • Multiple insurance policies (several types of insurance per policy);
  • Functions of insurance policy cancellation, replacement, renewal and annulment;
  • Automatic policy renewal function;
  • Automatic vehicle value determination;
  • Automatic real estate value determination;
  • Verification of insurance document form number according to form accounting principles;
  • Electronic document and process administration system;
  • Issuing and printing invoices;
  • Entry of payments;
  • Accounting of intermediary commission;
  • Management of restriction of system user's actions;
  • Module of limitation of insurance amounts, discount application, indemnities according to separate groups of users and insured;
  • Various insurance reports, data export to EXCEL, PDF, HTML, other formats;
  • Search of data stored in database (insurance policies, policyholders) according to parameters freely chosen by client;
  • Restrictions on data review according to user subordination, hierarchy (employees of different departments or companies (intermediaries) can see only data of their department or company);
  • Fast and convenient policy and payment data export procedure for import to insurance broker accounting systems;
  • Registration of claim;
  • Email sending;
  • Attachment of external documents to policy;
  • Storage and preview of PDF copies of documents;
  • Administration module of communications with clients (communication registration, administration, tasks for system users, automatic reminders);
  • Calculation of client loyalty, insured object loss ratio according to Customer's formulas, various parameters, with a possibility to set comparative weight to each parameter;
  • Registration of unwelcome (risky) persons and insurance objects, application of various restrictions to them.

Insurance self-service system (e-sales)

Insurance self-service system (e-sales) allows insurance company client to independently purchase insurance policy online at any time and any place, in such way saving time and receiving an additional discount. Insurance self-service system is easily integrated with any other insurance information system (database).

Insurance self-service system mostly implements the sales of the following types of insurance policies:

  • Insurance self-service systemmotor third party liability (MTPL) insurance;
  • travel insurance;
  • property (real estate, movable property, civil liability) insurance;
  • complex insurance of motor third party liability (MTPL) and voluntary motor vehicle (Casco) insurance (possibility to purchase both type of policies at once);
  • complex insurance of motor third party liability (MTPL), passenger insurance against accidents and driver's license loss insurance (possibility to purchase all three types of policies at once);
  • insurance against accidents.

System functionality

  • Client indicates data needed for insurance premium calculation;
  • Client and vehicle information is retrieved online from the Motor Insurers' Bureau during the purchase of MTPL insurance;
  • Insurance premium or several variants of premiums are calculated and displayed according to different insurance conditions;
  • Client indicates additional data needed for concluding an insurance policy;
  • Client pays for the policy by a preferred payment method: e-banking system or payments in "Lietuvos spauda", "Rkiosk" kiosks, "Maxima" cash-registers, cash payments at any Lithuanian bank, other;
  • Insurance policy is automatically created in the main insurance company's information system (in case of MTPL insurance - contract and certificate);
  • Email is sent to the client with insurance policy in PDF format;
  • Possibility to apply automatic discount to loyal clients;
  • Calculation of client rating, loss ratio according to insurance portfolio of policyholder;
  • Blocking of unwelcome (risky) clients according to a personal code, vehicle plate number or client IP address.

Insurance client self-service portal

Client self-service portal is used by insurance company's clients (policyholders). After an online authorization to the Client self-service portal, they can conclude and/or review their insurance policies, check their validity, delayed/pending premiums, make payments, extend insurance policies, register claims and observe process of damage regulation.

Portal functionality

  • Safe and efficient client authorization system - username and password is given to every client;
  • During connection to client self-service portal, a second password is additionally generated for every connection and is sent by SMS;
  • Alternative client's authorization via his/her selected e-banking system;
  • Other methods of authorization;Client self-service portal - insurance services
  • List of client's (insured) concluded policies;
  • Review of insurance policy details;
  • Review of direct debit contract;
  • List of the registered claims;
  • Review of the claim data (completed claim settlement processes, documents collected by the insurance company, documents to be collected);
  • Possibility to extend insurance policies which are soon to expire;
  • Online payment of debts, regular payments by a chosen method;
  • Notification about claim with an automatic creation of claim document in the main insurance company's information system;
  • Frequently asked questions, special offers to the clients, etc;
  • Client self-service portal can be easily integrated with information systems of the third parties.