ProLibis – solutions for libraries in the digital age
We see a modern library not only as a book repository, but also and most importantly as a state-of-the-art, open and interactive information and knowledge centre. This is the vision underlying ProLibis solutions.
Asseco Lithuania with its extensive experience and thorough understanding of library’s needs, offers products and highly advanced software solutions for a modern library of almost any size, ranging from a large national library, medium size public or special library to a small school library. It’s even able to introduce an integrated system for the whole network of libraries.
ProLibis brochure
ProLibis description
Highly advanced software solutions for a modern library of almost any size, ranging from a large national library, medium size public or special library to a small school library. Asseco Lithuania is even able to introduce an integrated system for the whole network of libraries. ProLibis products comprise all library services, including preparation and publishing of bibliographic publications as well as creation of the Union catalogue, general databases and allows automation of interlibrary information exchange processes. The solutions for large libraries are based on an Oracle database management platform. While the solution for small libraries (a "light" version of ProLibis) does not use licensed products provided by the third parties.
ProLibis software functionality
Solutions for large libraries (Oracle based):
Affordable software for small libraries (Postgre SQL Apache based):
- Cataloguing
- Acquisitions
- Circulation
- Access to internet/intranet catalogue (WWW-OPAC)
- Logging, reporting on library work processes
- Availability of the specialized textbook database as separate module
Highlights of ProLibis:
- Successfully used for automation of business processes of all library types (national, special, public, school, etc.) implementing up-to-date technologies, standards and regulations (UNIMARC/A, UNIMARC/B, BELMARC, ISBD, ISO 2709, UNICODE, Z39.50, etc.)
- Universal: comprises all library services, including preparation and publishing of bibliographic publications as well as creation of the Union catalogue, general databases and allows automation of interlibrary information exchange processes.
- Multilingual and multiscript: library documents can be described in source language using different language symbols in each record. Allows entering information from right to left (e.g., Hebrew, Arabic).
- Easily adaptable: convenient and flexible tools enabling to adapt the system to each library’s needs, including (but not limited to) definitions of profiles for individual user and workstation, ability to change MARC rules, design of record creation and search forms, layout design of bibliographic publications, flexible report generation, etc.
- No data duplication: single entry and reusability of data across the library system or even within the network of libraries.
- Connection to various external databases: Authority Records, UDC, LCSH, MeSH, and EUROVOC.
Standards and regulations in use:
- UNIMARC/B - storage of bibliographic records.
- UNIMARC/A - storage of authority records.
- ISO 2709 – standard of bibliographic descriptions.
- Z39.50 – protocol for inter-library information search and retrieval.
- ISBD rules - display of bibliographic records.
- UNICODE (ISO 106460) – data encoding.
- LST - Library Fund and Work Accounting Units.