Finance management
Software ''Salaries''

Payroll and work time accounting software "Salaries"
The scope of Work time and payroll accounting software is calculation of salaries, sickness allowances, holiday allowances and personnel accounting of employees (workers, officers, specialists) of the private and public sector companies. The system ensures financial information security by providing users with separate passwords and different priorities of information use, copying and archiving.
The payroll accounting software can be deployed as a stand-alone software and also be a part of the Accounting and business management system "Saikas W". Software "Salaries" covers the following modules:
- Payroll accounting
- Work time accounting
- Personnel accounting
Payroll accounting:
- calculation of salaries, advance payments, holiday allowances, remuneration for unused holidays, various bonuses;
- sickness allowance calculation;
- deductions of alimony, credit, life insurance, loan, penalty amounts according to regulatory documents;
- calculation of all types of taxes;
- calculation of averages;
- print-out of payrolls, pay sheets;
- formation and print-out of reports to the State Social Insurance Fund Board;
- print-outs of reports according to data of the entire company or separate divisions during the selected period;
- generating and print-out of certificates (statements);
- retrieval and print-out of annual income declaration data;
- salary transfers to employee bank accounts or electronic cards;
- generating and print-out of unused holiday reserves;
- report on employee benefits.
Work time accounting:
- calendar creation;
- creation of company's schedules according to employee, workplace, for entire company;
- work time accounting statement.
Personnel accounting:
print-outs of employment contracts;
- entry of orders on annual holidays, business trips, granted unpaid holidays and using this data in reports;
- generating and print-out of orders on granted holidays, unpaid holidays;
- entry of positions, groups of employees (agents, intermediaries, supervisors, etc.), education, family status;
- entry of phone, fuel and other limits;
- entry of promotions, privileges, change of salary amount;
- entry of previous workplaces, completed courses, competencies of employee;
- reports on analysis of employees information according to their:
profession, education, family status, year of birth, various fixed limits, hiring-dismissal date, other parameters.