Avilys SDP
Avilys SDP – content management platform
Avilys SDP (SDP - System Development Platform) is an enterprise content management (ECM) platform, containing methods and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve and deliver information, documents and data related to organizational processes, and helping to configure and develop new modules and application programs for implementation of various functions related to organizational processes.
Functionality of Avilys SDP as a content management platform:
- Processing of content and documents
- Digitalization of paper documents
- Optical character recognition (OCR)
- Control, categorization and classification of data input
- Data indexing
- Document management
- Record management
- Email management
- Web content management
- Digital content management
- Repositories
- Content integration
- Data migration
- Search and data retrieval
- Data merge
- Multilingualism
- Personalization
- Publication
- Data protection
- Collaboration
- Long-term storage
1. Processing of content and documents
Avilys SDP allows entering, managing, processing, storing and submitting non-structured, partially structured and completely structured data and its content (files). Within a platform it is possible to create new modules with data entities and business processes of a specific organization.
Data entities are structured information and non-structured content. Structured information is described by different type of attributes, e.g. text, numbers, date, logical value, internal and external contact, type and status of data, Thesaurus value, publishing sources, chronology, etc.). Non-structured content (files) can be not present or contain one or several files. It is possible to specify a content type describing the file meaning and other attributes.
Some type documents can be described as separate entities, having their own metadata, life cycle, certain actions managed by access rights (Avilys SDP uses integrated workflows and BPM process engines). Documents and other data entities can be grouped using different relation types.
Avilys SDP allows describing of non-structured data input using certain forms or automatically from external sources: file system, email box, FTP, E-delivery system of Lithuanian Post or other sources using corresponding data import adapters. It is possible to upload different types of e-documents (ADOC, PDF-LT, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice documents, PDF, TIFF/JPEG/PNG and other format files), scanned data images (PDF, images and other formats).
2. Digitalization of paper documents
Avilys SDP has interfaces with scanners supporting communication protocol TWAIN. It enables entering into a system the scanned paper documents in PDF or TIFF/JPEG/PNG formats. There are also tools for an automated processing of bulk of documents and importing them from the file system or FTP.
3. Optical character recognition (OCR)
Avilys SDP has a possibility to use file transporming component with a help of additional external optical character recognition (OCR) software tools. They allow to recognize text in PNG, JPEG, TIFF, PDF format files, thus saving results in PDF format. PDF content with a text information is indexed for a search.
4. Control, categorization and classification of data input
In order the entered data to be properly managed and easily found, a data input control is being performed while making various actions with the defined entities and documents. Logical check-ups and/or data correction rules help the system users to avoid errors. The platform allows defining required classificators, add new records, suspending some records, creating hierarchical classificators. It is possible to add classificators having many records and a hierarchical structure, like multilingual Thezaurus EUROVOC.
5. Data indexing
Data indexing in Avilys SDP is performed for the stored file content (Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, PDF with text information, TXT, HTML format files) or metadata. Data indexing and search systems supported: database index tables (mostly for generating reports), Apache Solr or Microsoft FAST indexes. For retrieval of a file content the following open source components are used: . Apache Tika, Apache POI, Apache PDFBox and others. Metadata indexing in the relational database tables is done during data entering. Content and metadata indexing in external text indexes is asynchronically performed in separate processes.
6. Document management
Avilys SDP document management functionality is realized using a functionality of the Avilys Document and process management system. The system enables exchanging electronic documents signed by a qualified e-signature. Avilys covers all document life cycle starting: preparation, alignment, signing, approval and registration of a document, storage, transferring to archives and disposal after retention period. The platform provides standard functions of working with documents, like document editing allowing to edit only for one person at a time and saving a document with a possibility to create a new document version or change data of current version document. An automated version creation is implemented. It is possible to configure periodicity of deleting interim document versions.
7. Record management
Avilys SDP has a functionality of managing documents regulated by the legal acts and other records, their storage and disposal. Long-term storage documents have assigned cases with different case completion terms. After the case is completed the documents are reallocated according to storage terms and archived, thus making them not visible in a common document search, but they could be found when checking an attribute “Search in archive”. After a term of case storage expires, documents are reallocated once more or documents are disposed after retention period.
8. Email management
Avilys SDP has a possibility to integrate one or several email boxes and E-delivery system of the Lithuanian Post. Emails are imported to the DMS as the configured template documents together with their attached files and electronic documents. According to configuration the received document is forwarded to the defined person for registration or automatically registered in the system. If the email files contains ADOC or PDF-LT format documents, each of them is registered as a separate incoming document that is grouped with the main document. It is possible to forward the document to others by email or E-delivery system.
9. Web content management
Avilys SDP workplace is accessed using browser, so internet content management is integrated into a system functionality. Rapid application development (RAD) tool of the platform helps to quickly create forms for creating, visualization and search of data entities. If data publication is expected usually an external portal is developed. In order to protect the system from external impact Avilys SDP has a possibility to replicate public data to the external database according to the defined rules. Data replication process is done from the internal system. Thus when attacking external portal from outside it is not possible to impact current internal systems and get confidential data. Database damaged in the external portal could be restored from a backup copy and repeatedly replicated data of the internal database. External portals are usually developed based on SOA architecture. The content is submitted to the website using Web Services.
10. Digital content management
Avilys SDP is suitable for storing any content and its metadata in the same repository independently if the document is a video/audio file, image or other file. The platform has an integrated file conversion component, that allows to automatically convert the defined content files to the file for publishing or reviewing in internet (e.g. HTML, PDF). There is a possibility for the users to review in a browser various format content without using special programs.
11. Repositories
Avilys SDP stores metadata in a relational database and binary files could be stored depending on configuration in a relational database or file system catalogue. Apache Solr 4 or Microsoft FAST text search indexes are used for data search.
12. Content integration
Avilys SDP allows developing interfaces with different external databases and external information systems, also integrate external data into business processes and thus use information received from various sources as if it was in one repository.
13. Data migration
Avilys SDP has a possibility to move data from the current databases into archive databases, copy and move data stored in one database to another database, thus assuring consistency of data and making a possibility to archive and route the stored data. Data export and import tools allow migrating data from/to other information systems.
14. Search and data retrieval
Avilys SDP provides metadata, content indexing and search tools (a single field search, advanced search with various metadata filters and logical operators, search with special symbols). In order to retrieve data from a repository it is enough to know a unique ID of the stored object. There is a functionality of data search and retrieval through Web Services (SOAP, REST, XML/HTTP).
15. Data merge
Avilys SDP file conversion tools provide a functionality of metadata inserting into a document template, allowing to generate documents according to the data entered into the form. These tools allow merging several files into one PDF file, generate in PDF format extracts of electronic documents.
16. Multilingualism
Avilys SDP allows providing a user interface of the developed application in different languages. Data is stored in the Unicode UTF-8 encoding format. When processing the letters received by email, encoding format defined in the email is also saved, thus letting to view the content without a content distortion.
17. Personalization
Avilys SDP has a role-based access control (RBAC) mechanism. Access to the stored data, activity with them and search is done according to the defined user rights.Users have possibilities of personalizing the main menu, determining search criteria and other personalization possibilities.
18. Publication
Avilys SDP tools enable granting the rights only to those users, who need appropriate information and in the format they need, e.g. providing the original or converted format file and other data by printing, emailing, using E-delivery system, Web Services and other data exchange tools.
19. Data protection
Avilys SDP allows to develop, modificate the data and make any action the data, get access to the stored data, perform search, provide reports strictly according to the defined access rights. When providing data in internet it is encrypted using a TLS/SSL protocol. Platform has an implemented functionality of signing e-document by e-signature thus protecting authenticity and integrity of electronic document. When needed WS-Security criptography could be switched on.
20. Collaboration
Avilys SDP allows implementing such a model of developing and life cycle of data entities that would help the defined users or their groups to simultaneously and sequentially perform certain tasks, e.g. document preparation, alignment, signing, approval. For the certain types of documents, like legislation documents, Avilys SDP has a possibility to use draft stages of the document preparation, when the content of the document could be reviewed only by a certain group members. Other users can access such a content only after its publication.
21. Long-term storage
Avilys SDP has a possibility of moving the long-term storage documents to archive. While doing so it is guaranteed that the content, structure and metadata of documents (except a status and metadata related to document storage) remain unchanged. All document elements are moved as an integral unit, all groupings between cases and documents are preserved.
Main modules:
Centralised storage and archiving of documents
| Document and process management
Task management
| Administration
Additional modules:
- Contract management,
- Meeting planning and organisation,
- Management of electronic services,
- Signing of electronic documents,
- Legal acts management,
- Management of procurement information,
- Resource management,
- Project management,
- Consultations management.