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A national center for the digitization of audiovisual heritage is being established

In August 2019 Asseco Lietuva signed agreements with the Lithuanian Central State Archive for the supply of specialized hardware and software within the framework of the project “Modernization and Development of the Information System E-Cinema”. This project aims to modernize the E-cinema information system by developing & expanding electronic services and establishing a National center of competencies for the digitization of audiovisual heritage. The project is funded by the European Union Structural Funds.

Within the scope of these agreements, Asseco Lietuva and its partners supply a specialized hardware and software for the creation of the National Audiovisual Heritage Digitization Center, which will coordinate the digitization, preservation and online accessibility of the Lithuanian audiovisual heritage. The project includes supply of almost 5 petabytes (5,000,000 gigabytes) long-term storage equipment to ensure  a long-term archiving of digital material, as well as implementation of a digitized audiovisual material restorer workstation, audiovisual material scanner and IT specialist workstations, visual material color correction workstations, and other specialized hardware and software for preparation of audiovisual content for digitization, digitization, digital processing, restoration, management of advanced electronic services and supporting infrastructure of the National center of competencies for the digitization of audiovisual heritage. The hardware and software is scheduled to be installed by the end of 2019.

The E-cinema system ( was developed during the project “Development of the Lithuanian Documentary Cinema System” executed in 2011-2012. It is a digital archive of Lithuanian documentary cinema, which enables preserving and publicizing the documentary heritage stored at the Lithuanian Central State Archive.

Asseco Lietuva has been specializing in heritage digitization since 2010. Among many other projects, the company has created the Virtual Electronic Heritage System (VEPS), Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System (LIMIS), Information System of Virtual Historical Lithuania (LDK), System of Lithuanian literature classics (E-classics), allowing to digitize and publish significant national cultural heritage.

E-cinema cultural heritage digitization - Asseco
